Do Daith Piercings really alleviate headaches and migraines? This is something that’s been highly debated in the piercing and tattoo industry for the past couple of years. We are going to put the daith piercing debate to bed, TODAY! Please check out our merch here:… The Daith piercing has had a lot of mystery revolving around it for a couple of years now. Ever since somebody, somewhere, said “the daith piercing alleviates and sometimes eliminates migraines”. And the band wagoners began to foam at the mouth. People began going in droves to get daith piercings in tattoo shops across the planet, but is there any truth to this migraine myth? Or should it be more appropriately named the migraine miracle? Well, the long story short is, we don’t really know. The original post was on a college blog that made claims with no evidence, studies, journals, or persons with credible credentials or backgrounds to back up this claim. So, that is exactly what it is, a claim. Nothing more, nothing less. But lots of people out there have said the Daith piercing DID help them with their migraines! Well, there are a few possible explanations for this. First, it’s totally possible that it does indeed help some people with migraines, as again, nobody has properly tested it, so under certain circumstances it’s totally possible. Second, the placebo effect is very powerful. So many people are very likely so desperate for relief that they convince themselves it’s helped them, only to have the migraines return days, weeks, or months later. And third, during a piercing we push a needle THROUGH a part of your body, specifically your head for the daith piercing. That alone is going to help distract you from any pain during the procedure, and likely well into the healing process as well. So with all of this in mind, the daith piercing ranges in price from $30-$100 and to me, for potential migraine relief (EVEN SHORT TERM), I would pay $30 for a little relief multiple times. So there you have it! I hope this helps you in making your decision on getting a daith. As our verdict is: It’s worth a shot! Try that daith piercing out and tell us if it worked for you!